Evolution in Whole-Horse Soundness – 2023 CEHCA Conference Videos
With Caren Dougall, Elisha Edwards, Caro Lucas, Yogi Sharp, Sarah Smith, Dr. Tomas Teskey and Dr. Elizabeth Uhl
Filmed Sept 30-Oct 2, 2023 in Regina, Saskatchewan
Whether or not you were there, now you can view the best of the CEHCA 2023 conference online. Horse owners and professionals alike can purchase access to this incredible educational event for a limited time and view videos through June 30, 2024. Enjoy approximately 12 hours across 10 recordings covering a wide variety of topics from our amazing conference presenters.
Through their presentations, conference speakers compliment each others’ offerings in a way that brings everything back to the hoof. The valuable information shared here will inspire every professional in the equine industry, beyond hoof care.
An educational experience for equine health-related and hoof care professionals, students, and horse owners.
Below the Surface: A hoof trim as a covert assessment of mobility
By Klervi Dorfsman CEHCA practitioner Trimming day for your horse can be more than just a day where their hooves get taken care of, it can also be a good gauge to check in on your horse’s mobility in a routine way. Because a professional hoof care provider is asking hundreds of horses per month […]