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CEHC Webinar Series
Beginning this fall, we invite you and your barn members to join us for the first three episodes of our new webinar series. Our webinar hosts are all hoof care professionals who will share their experience on a range of subjects related to hoof care. Our first webinar, The Importance of Early Hoof Care in Hoof Development, takes place on November 6th at 5pm (PST).
Below the surface: A hoof trim as a covert assessment of mobility
Trimming day for your horse can be more than just a day where their hooves get taken care of, it can also be a good gauge to check in on your horse’s mobility in a routine way.
Dealing with winter laminitis
More and more horses are being diagnosed with cold induced hoof pain, also known as winter laminitis. Winter laminitis is a condition affecting the hooves of domesticated horses. The condition was identified and diagnosed a few years ago mainly in the northern hemisphere where temperatures go well below zero Celsius. It describes painful hooves which are triggered by cold weather.
Evolution in Whole Horse Soundness conference wrap-up
Thank you to all who attended the Canadian Equine Hoof Care Association’s very first conference, and helped make it a big success! It was a joy to be able to meet and catch up with everyone in person. The diversity amongst the attendees spoke to how much the equine community as a whole values education. We welcomed barefoot trimmers, farriers, body workers, veterinarians, dentists, horse owners, students and more into an atmosphere of collaboration and learning.
The Evolution in Whole-Horse Soundness conference – Sept 30-Oct 2, 2023
Join us this fall for the very first Canadian Equine Hoof Care Association conference at Delta Hotels Regina. A robust educational experience for the equine industry, including equine health-related and hoof care professionals, students, and horse owners, the conference features top practitioners and experts from a variety of equine fields. Industry leaders will present on multiple aspects of health care influencing the soundness of the hoof – equine dentistry, bodywork, veterinary medicine, hoof care, equine nutrition, and more.
Spring Grass and Laminitis
Springtime can be difficult to navigate as a horse owner. The green grass is just starting to crop up and soon will take over the fields. The horses are craving it, and with hay prices increasing it’s tempting to just open up the pastures and let the horses have an all-you-can-eat grass buffet. Since food […]
Preparing your horse’s hooves for winter
by Rachel Gedaliya CEHCA member You may ask what it means to prepare your horses’ hooves for winter, after all horses have been wintering on earth for millenniums … Winter brings a different pace, with its cold air and a blankets of snow, short days, and little to no fresh grass to graze on depending […]
Leading by example
A welcome message from Christine Tomlin, who along with Francine Labossière, owns and operates Hoof Geeks Barefoot Hoof Care. Francine and Christine travel Western Canada teaching and empowering horse owners in remote locations to take control of their horses’ hooves and bring them back to soundness.
What makes a natural bare foot?
Our model is based on the wild horse’s foot found in the American West. These horses travel many kilometres a day over some of the most rugged terrain known. Yet they do not suffer lameness caused by laminitis or navicular disease as their domestic cousins do.